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The Foundation of the Fashion District
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :Michael J. Connell was born in Ireland in 1854. He immigrated to the USA as a young man and became successful in several different ventures. At the turn of the twentieth century, he moved to Los Angeles and built the first garment and textile manufacturing buildings, effectively starting the Fashion District. Connell build his first garment and textile buildings in 1911. He continued to build throughout the decade and in 1916 he hired architect Frank Stiff to design several properties, including the building that is now Cornell Lofts. In 1958, the building was upgraded. In 2001, because of their rich history, the Cornell Lofts building along with its neighbors the Eckardt building and the Santee Court building were designated Los Angeles historic monuments. At some point in the mid twentieth century, the Cornell building and its neighbors were bought by businessman Arthur Gerry. He in turn sold the buildings to MJW Investments in 1998. MJW had also acquired four other buildings in the area and all the buildings were converted to lofts. The first lofts began selling in 2004. In 2008, MJW defaulted on a construction loan and the Cornell, Eckhardt and Santee Court buildings ended up in the hands of the Bank of America. In 2010, the investment team of Kennedy Wilson and RECP/Urban Partners bought the unsold units, finished the work that needed to be done, and put the units back on market. If you would like to find out more about these amazing lofts please contact DLTA Real!
Downtown LA Lofts for Sale – 940 E 2nd St
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :Before John Steinbeck became the literary household name he is today he worked throughout Southern California on sugar beet ranches owned by the Spreckels brothers, who at one time were the sugar barons of the Western United States. The Spreckels brothers needed a warehouse with easy access to the train depots in Central Los Angeles to take their sugar so they constructed the building that is the Lofts at 940 E 2nd St today. When the artist in residence ordinance was passed in 1981 it gave new life to what became know as The Arts District. 940 E 2nd played a major part and now consists of 38 live work lofts in the heart of one of Downtown's most historic neighborhoods. All of the units in the building feature two bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms over three floors. Parking for each space is located directly outside of the front door of each unit. Each space combines modern exteriors with finishes respecting the historic nature of the building such as exposed brick, steel beams, and high vaulted ceilings. If you would like to learn more about the building and available units contact at 213-304-4727. Unless otherwise noted we do not represent any ownership interests or management related to this building.
Biscuit Company Lofts – Condos for Sale in Downtown LA
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :What do Oreos have in common with the Arts District? The answer lies at 1850 Industrial Street. The Biscuit Company Lofts sit here occupying 7 floors and 187,000 square feet at the intersection of Industrial and Mateo. It was constructed in 1925 as the west coast headquarters of the National Biscuit Company, better known as Nabisco. Nabisco has an interesting association with American architecture having opened their first corporate office in the world's first skyscraper, the Home Insurance Building, in 1898 in Chicago. They looked to make a similar splash in Los Angeles and hired EJ Eckel to construct their California offices. In 2006 the building underwent a $25 million dollar renovation to convert the building into 104 live/work condo units. The 2007 declaration as designated historical monument made the building Mills Act eligible. This prestigious address has attracted former celebrity tenants such as Nicholas Cage, Vincent Gallo, and Justin Lin. The building features amenities such as a 24 hour doorman, a 75 foot pool, and a full size gym. The Arts District itself features some of Los Angeles' best restaurants and the upcoming addition of Soho House. If you would like to learn more about the building and available units contact at 213-304-4727. Unless otherwise noted we do not represent any ownership interests or management related to this building.
The Perfect Retail Spaces, with Grit
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :[caption id="attachment_693" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Retail space for lease now now now![/caption]The Perfect Retail Spaces with Grit The Historic Core will be welcoming a new ground floor tenant to operate out of this famous landmark, The Baltimore Hotel and the King Edward Hotel. But who will it be? These properties recently sold in Downtown LA and are under management by a new company. They are located on the corner of Los Angeles St. and 5th St., this commercial space for lease borders both the Toy District and the Historic Core. Both districts are known for their high-density foot traffic, making it perfect for the right type of tenant! Preferably a tenant who prefers a dash of grit! Across the street, attached to the historic King Edward Hotel, a restaurant space is also for lease, 119 E 5th St. Both Downtown Los Angeles commercial spaces offer an excellent opportunity to get a great deal on a great location by being on a quickly evolving transitioning block. Recognizing that opening up a normal retail establishment on a street that is in the beginning stages of gentrification isn't easy; it’s good to pay attention to the positive changes happening on the block. For example, on the same block as these two commercial listings, Auntie Em’s Kitchenette is quickly becoming a favorite among locals. Started by two successful entrepreneurs, downtown pioneer and owner of Two Bits Market, Brandi Lozano, who partnered with the owner of Eagle Rock’s destination café’ and bakery, Auntie Em’s Kitchen, Terri Wahl. Rumor has it, that the King Eddy Salon has recently been purchased by LA Nightlifer, Jeremy Fall, who is restoring it to its 80’s glory days; a watering hole for DTLA Legend, Charles Bukowski. I would bet on this city block. Both Downtown LA commercial spaces at the King Edward Hotel and the Baltimore Hotel offer many of the great features Los Angeles tenants expect when leasing in the Historic Core; soaring ceilings, great visibility, window frontage, and these spaces also have private bathrooms! If you are looking to lease a downtown LA retail space, this could be the great deal you are looking for. For questions about this space or any other real estate opportunity, contact Donegan McCuaig at the number above. The Perfect Retail Spaces with GritThe Perfect Retail Spaces with Grit All DTLA Condos For Sale DTLA Live/Work Lofts for Sale
Help Buying & Selling Commercial Real Estate in Downtown Los Angeles
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :Whether it be Little Tokyo, Skid Row, the Arts District, the Jewelry District, the Old Bank District, the Historic Core, Chinatown, the Toy District, the South Park District, the Fashion District, the Central Business District, or Bunker Hill we have got you covered for help buying and selling commercial real estate. Do you want to buy or sell an office building, retail building, strip center, shopping center, industrial property building, or warehouse building? Not all Downtown LA Commercial Real Estate Brokers are created equal. My knowledge about the culture and the development trajectory of the market in DTLA, partnered with the experience of my colleagues, is unmatched. Commercial buildings are everywhere in Downtown. Some are way over priced. Some are good deals. The commercial real estate market in Downtown is dynamic. Different future improvements in different areas affect the future value of neighboring buildings. You need an agent or a broker with their ear to the ground and in the know about what's coming and the perceptions of differing neighborhoods. With this information you're more capable of making strategic maneuvers that having a broker not experienced with Downtown LA wouldn't be able to. You know what to do! Call (213) 304-4727 now! Thanks for reading our DTLA commercial real estate blog! lic#01753250
Commercial Real Estate for Sale Downtown Los Angeles – Warehouse Building
For Sale /M SF /SFLease Type :Check out this updated graphic of a building that is available for sale in Downtown LA. It's located on the corner of San Pedro and 7th Street. This is a warehouse building with M2 zoning. The space has cement flooring and wood-truss ceiling. The ceilings are HIGH! Building has its own private bathroom. There is an existing tenant, a printing company whose lease ends 2017. Excellent space. For more info and more commercial real estate listings contact our broker at (213) 304-4727. He'll be happy to you help buy commercial property in Downtown LA!